The Heat Is on When You Call Us!
Even good ‘ol Houston gets chilly. And when that happens, we all want nothing more than to head indoors and stay snug and safe inside a cozy, warm home. But what’s a homeowner to do when your heating service takes a nosedive and needs some TLC? Easy! You call on the team at Bellaire for reliable heater repair in Houston!
Are you experiencing heating issues that could use some attention? Or perhaps you’re still not quite sure if you need heater repair? Say no more. Bellaire can help. Here are seven signs you might need to call in the pros at Bellaire for professional heating system repair:
- There are uneven warm and cold spots in your home.
- You hear strange noises from your system.
- You’ve noticed higher than normal energy bills.
- Your system is generating cold air, not warm.
- The air is very dry inside your home.
- There are unpleasant smells coming from your heating unit.
- You’ve noticed more dust than usual on your furniture.
Why Is My House So Cold?
At Bellaire, we are homeowners, too. So, we know how frustrating it can be when a wicked chill gets into your heating system and leaves you shivering. But why do our heating systems start to decline at times? There could be a number of reasons. Here are the most common:
- Your air filters are dirty or blocked.
- Your system is over 12 years old.
- You haven’t had your system checked and tuned up in years.
- Your thermostat is calibrated incorrectly.
- You have a weak pilot light or ignition issues.
Are you in need of heating repair in Houston? We’ve got the skilled experts you need to restore heat in your space quickly and within your budget. Call us today at 713.772.1217!